Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Sorry - I've been busy...

Okay - I know it's been a little while since I last blogged.  I've been running in multiple directions and haven't had a chance to sit down and blog.  So...this might be a little long but it should catch everyone up to where we are today.

The framing crew has been busy.  They've completely framed the downstairs and the upstairs.
These pictures are of the back and the garage.

 These next pictures show the Tyvek on the exterior of the downstairs.

And...if you believe the advertising, our upstairs will be firm and quiet.

We also received the propane tank (all 500 gallons).

The framers did a Great Job on the stairs.  I'm so excited about using them.  It also looks like the dogs approve.

And...they really love the perch that we made for them.  This is where they'll greet you when you come in the front door (not!).

Here's where we stand today.  The framers are awesome and I really appreciate them working with us on this project.

Oh...and did I mention that the bricks arrived for the fireplaces and the entrance??

One last thing.  This is the look that Harry gives me when I ask him how we're going to pay for this project...

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