Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Help! I'm Drowning...

Okay - I've been a little busy lately.  Between my day job, plus working with the framers, electrician, plumber, lumber yard, plumbing supply house, gas fixtures, tile company, floor company, paint company, and getting ready for two grandbabies, I seem to be running low on time.

Let me start with the inside of the house.  Here are some pictures of the wiring, plumbing and the staircase.   These pictures don't really do a good job showing the progress that we're making.

The windows also arrived, and they worked on getting those installed today.

They've also been working hard on the front of the house.  They've prepared the circle drive for concrete and the front of the house is almost framed.

Here's our view from the upstairs window looking west.

It's also very important to follow instructions when working on a project.

Our electrician (Craymon) seems to enjoy the projects that allow him to lay down...

We had a thunderstorm come in last weekend.  The framers warned us that they would drill a few holes in the upstairs floor so that the water would drain and not cause the wood to warp.  It's a good thing that they did because we got almost 2.5"

We also had a cold front blow in last night.  Here is a picture from the last week and then one from today.  The work attire has certainly changed.

I'm so excited that the crew was able to frame up one of the chimneys today.  It looks like it has a little t-shirt on the top.

We also thought it would be nice to help the electrician dig a hole for the meter pole at the front entrance.  Harry learned that he sometimes has to put his weight behind a project.

We're certainly making progress, and I've learned one thing in this process - we have the best sub-contractors in the world! 

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!! Everything looks great. I can definitely tell they are making progress!!! Macey cannot wait for her new house :)
