Sunday, October 23, 2011

A little excitement this week

The roofers came on Friday and started putting the felt paper on the roof decking.  The house should be dried in on Monday, so come on rain!!!

We also made a decision to fence the back pasture (which was the only part of the farm that was not fenced).  We had a choice to either buy hay or fence.  We decided to fence.

To keep the cows away from the bunkhouse, we had to install a cattleguard.  Here are the professional installers at work.

And for those of you who don't think we do things right out here in the country, notice the use of a level to assure accuracy.

Now for the excitement.  We had a concrete truck (not delivering to our site) who was going a little fast as he took the corner by the farm.  We lost some T-posts and some busted wire, but we needed one more project for this weekend.  The driver fled the scene.  Hmmm...I wonder why??

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