Thursday, December 29, 2011

We Survived Christmas...

Okay - we're between Christmas and New Years, so some of the contractors have been taking some time off.  But...the project is still making progress.

As an update on our status, the sheetrock is up, the tape and floaters are done, and the first coat of texturing is done.  The fireplaces are in place (but the accents are not complete), and the cabinets are supposed to be on the way.  We ordered garage doors today, and they will be installed next Friday.  The trim guy should be running full force next week and everyone's doing a Great Job.

Here are some pictures of the glass block around the shower in the master bathroom.  It turned out great, and I'm so excited about it.

The crew that taped and floated did a great job.  It was pretty cool watching them work.

And...I don't know much about the Child Labor Laws, but this guy looks pretty young (but he knew what he was doing!).

Harry & HB came over to move the front doors to the office (so that they are protected from the elements and the other workers). 

While they were there, they took a quick stop in the upstairs igloo.

And...because of the ongoing moisture (of which I am not complaining because it was very dry for a very long time), we have a muddy mess in what will be our backyard.  Oh will all be dry again way too soon.


  1. Lookin' Good!!!!! I love the glass around the shower. :) Can't wait for more updates!!

  2. I like the glass in the shower too!! When we were there on Tuesday the glass wall was only about knee high! So it is cool to see it done.... Looking good!
