Tuesday, December 13, 2011

We had a little rain delay but we're back on track now!

Okay - we finally got some rain (and I'm not complaining that it shut us down for a few day), but the crews are back working, and we're completely dried in.  It also appears that we're actually ahead of schedule.  As long as I can continue to make the 50 decisions that have to be made daily, then we'll complete ahead of schedule (but we won't be in by Christmas).

Here's the current view of the house from the road (the house faces west).

They also started blowing the insulation this week.  That is one incredible process.  They start out by blowing the insulation onto the wall / rafters.  It is very liquid and thin.  Then it explodes and looks like lava spewing from a volcano.

Then they come back and shave off the excess, so that the sheetrock can be nailed to the studs. I don't know how these guys do this everyday for 8 hours.  But...it looks like snow to me, so maybe it's fun??

Once they got through with the blowing and shaving, it looked like the inside of an igloo (although I've never been in an igloo, this is what I imagine it would be like).

Craymon also came out and dug some ditches for conduit to the middle of the circle driveway.

Here is a shot of our Master Suite.  The arches are the doorways going into our bedroom, then into the bathroom, and then into the closet.  Pretty cool to watch the house taking shape!

And...here is a view of the front of the house as it stands today.  I'm so excited as we move to the interior of the house.

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