Monday, September 26, 2011

Sewer and Water are Here!

Okay - it's been another Great Week as we continue to make progress on the house.  We have most of the downstairs framed, and the City of Temple has completed their sewer and water taps (both of which are important but for different reasons).
We have lumber deliveries almost daily, and the trusses were also delivered last week:

The framers are working hard in the 100 + degree heat and doing a Great Job for us!

The sewer line has been dug and the City of Temple has stubbed out the connection.  The plumbers should have this connected this week.

The City of Temple also set the water meter for us.  And...just to make sure it's all legitimate, they remarked the water line.  The marking seems to be in the right place this time.  I guess it's easier if you can actually see the water line...

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