Saturday, September 10, 2011

Last Week's Progress

Okay - we've made a little progress this past week, but the concrete guys are coming next week so there's no time to rest.  They have a tentative date set of Wednesday, September 14th to pour the slab at midnight!

We had a minor construction issue this week due to the wind.  But don't worry - there were no injuries.  Harry got out just in time!

The concrete crew came in after the plumber finished the sewer trunk lines.  They trenched their beam trenches and are ready for the rough plumbing and electrical.

The plumber came in to dig the ditch so that we can have water for the house (what a concept - indoor plumbing).  So...the first day was spent breaking the City's water line and having to repair it.

We had to call in the safety inspectors to indentify exactly where we went wrong.  Apparently the line / flags marking the placement of the existing water line is not an exact science.  We're really making friends with the neighbors now...

The plumbers spent the next 2 days digging the ditch to the house.  Apparently the ground is a little hard due to the lack of rain. will eventually rain (won't it?).

And...for those that are still interested, the Port-O-Potty is back in use, and Harry's office has been restored to its original condition.

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