Friday, September 30, 2011

New Inspectors on the Project

Well...we had new inspectors show up on the job site last week.  But - we passed with flying colors!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sewer and Water are Here!

Okay - it's been another Great Week as we continue to make progress on the house.  We have most of the downstairs framed, and the City of Temple has completed their sewer and water taps (both of which are important but for different reasons).
We have lumber deliveries almost daily, and the trusses were also delivered last week:

The framers are working hard in the 100 + degree heat and doing a Great Job for us!

The sewer line has been dug and the City of Temple has stubbed out the connection.  The plumbers should have this connected this week.

The City of Temple also set the water meter for us.  And...just to make sure it's all legitimate, they remarked the water line.  The marking seems to be in the right place this time.  I guess it's easier if you can actually see the water line...

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

1st and 2nd Day of Framing

Well...we're not done yet, but we are making progress. seems like everyone wants to get paid immediately.  Whatever happened to net 60 days?

Anyway - here's a few pictures from the first 2 days of framing.  I hope you enjoy watching our progress.

Monday, September 19, 2011

We have a Wall...

Okay - we got lumber today and the framing crew laid out the walls and got the first wall up.  Wooo Hooo - we're on our way now!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week of September 11th

Whew!  What a week it has been.  But...we have a concrete slab.  We started out with the concrete crew from Double D Concrete (no relation to the Double D Longhorn Ranch) showing up to install the vapor barrier and get the foundation ready for the pour. 

 Once this was in place, they came back to tie all the re-bar.  I don't know how many pounds of steel are in this foundation, but it looks like a lot to me.

They showed up early Friday morning (4:30 AM) with 20 concrete trucks.  It was an early start to our morning, but the whole process was incredible!

They had a crane that allowed the crew to put the concrete exactly where they needed it.  They poured all around the edges and then moved into the beam trenches.  Finally they covered the rest of the foundation.

The guy who operated the crane probably grew up playing video games.  He had a little joy stick box strapped over his shoulders.  He moved the crane arm to exactly where the crew needed it.

The trucks dumped their concrete into a hopper and kept it full.  It was really cool!

 And finally...We have a concrete slab!

Oh...and I found the perfect compliment to Harry's Office.  I know that he'll be excited about it.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Last Week's Progress

Okay - we've made a little progress this past week, but the concrete guys are coming next week so there's no time to rest.  They have a tentative date set of Wednesday, September 14th to pour the slab at midnight!

We had a minor construction issue this week due to the wind.  But don't worry - there were no injuries.  Harry got out just in time!

The concrete crew came in after the plumber finished the sewer trunk lines.  They trenched their beam trenches and are ready for the rough plumbing and electrical.

The plumber came in to dig the ditch so that we can have water for the house (what a concept - indoor plumbing).  So...the first day was spent breaking the City's water line and having to repair it.

We had to call in the safety inspectors to indentify exactly where we went wrong.  Apparently the line / flags marking the placement of the existing water line is not an exact science.  We're really making friends with the neighbors now...

The plumbers spent the next 2 days digging the ditch to the house.  Apparently the ground is a little hard due to the lack of rain. will eventually rain (won't it?).

And...for those that are still interested, the Port-O-Potty is back in use, and Harry's office has been restored to its original condition.